Start your own
chick hatching
rental business
Love hatching?
Watch the video below to see if starting a chick hatching rental business is right for you!

Calling Experienced Hatchers!
Increase your farm/homestead revenue by helping families and students in your community experience the magic of hatching! Our upcoming online course will give you the tools, resources, and inspiration you need to create a fun, rewarding, and profitable chick-hatching rental business.​

Fast-track your launch!
In this class, you'll learn how to:
create rental kits that have reliable, easy-to-use equipment
use the media and social media to reach new customers
work with school districts, charter schools, and homeschool groups
streamline/automate customer support throughout the rental
avoid hatching disasters (and deal with them if they happen)
establish pricing and policies that are right for you
set up a budget for your startup and first year costs
Bonus Items
Policy & Agreement Templates
Customizable Hatching Guide
Elementary Hatching Curriculum