LOVE hatching?
Start your OWN hatching rental program!

We serve the greater Sacramento area, but we get requests almost every day from teachers and families from around the country who want to rent kits.
There's a HUGE unmet demand for hatching rentals!
Is this where YOU come in?
If you love hatching, have access to good fertile eggs, and enjoy supporting people, we invite you to consider starting your own hatching rental program.
We have been doing rentals for 3 years now and WOW! It has been SO much fun. And profitable. And our customers LOVE it.
We want YOU to have the same experience.
That's why we created an online class that will give you the information and resources you need to QUICKLY start your own (independent) hatching rental business and bring in revenue doing something that you love.
With our course, How to Start a Successful Hatching Rental Business, you'll get a complete business template that will help you get started faster. Includes:
a list of recommended rental kits items
tips for packing rental kits
email and text templates for customer support
marketing resources
strategies for working with schools
editable hatching guides (quail+ chicken)
a complete elementary-level hatching curriculum that you can include with your rentals or sell as a stand-alone product
a profit calculator - enter your costs, pricing, and number of kits and it automatically calculates your profits for the first two years of your business!
The course is $349. If you rent your kits out for $200, you can make your investment back in just two kit rentals!
Want to know more about how fun and profitable a hatching rental business can be?
Click the link below and watch the video.
WARNING: The video is almost 13 minutes long. So before you click, grab your favorite beverage, sit back, and let us walk you through what this might look like for you. Near the end, we'll share numbers that will give you a good idea about how much you can expect to make!